How big is British Columbia? It’s big. Vast. Bigger than most US states, bigger than most countries. This Canadian province is so huge that most people who live there rarely see it all. It’s so vast that you’d need well …

Perspectives and insider tips from a Vancouver local
How big is British Columbia? It’s big. Vast. Bigger than most US states, bigger than most countries. This Canadian province is so huge that most people who live there rarely see it all. It’s so vast that you’d need well …
Last year I visited San Juan Island during the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend as a mini vacation. We spent the first night in Seattle to see Fountains of Wayne, and then drove up to Anacortes to take the ferry over …
Guided by Voices fans, rejoice! The annual Vancouver Guided by Robots tribute/fundraiser is taking place this Saturday, December 15 from 8pm-2am in the ANZA Club. This year they’re taking over the space upstairs which means more seats, but to keep …
“Vancouver is a few years behind when it comes to tea” Pedro Villalon tells me as I sat down at his O5 Tea Bar in Kitsilano late November. The charismatic Mexican-born tea hunter starts to mix me a drink as he elaborates …
My Twitter profile says I’m a Vancouver “flâneuse”. A flâneuse is the feminine version of the French word flâneur, a term popularized in the the 19th century to describe a man of leisure who’d anonymously stroll the streets of Paris …
As an unabashed geography nerd, it absolutely delights me to share with you my recent finding: MAPfrappe. The concept? Using Google Maps, you can draw an outline of one part of the world (ex: the outline of Vancouver Island) and …
Check out the current weather forecast for this Sunday… Whether it’s actually going to snow? Who knows. With snow on my mind, I went looking through my photos on my Flickr account to see if I uploaded any good snow shots of …